There are more reasons to apply for membership in the
Danish Society than just being Danish.
The focus of the club has always been orientated in the direction of providing a link for expatriate Danes and their descendants to their ties with Denmark. However, anyone with a genuine interest in Danish culture can apply.
The current membership rates and explanations of the membership categories have been provided below.
Send any membership enquiries to
Posting address
The Danish Society (Inc) PO Box 12279 Penrose, Auckland 1642 New Zealand

Existing members can pay membership by crediting our
account number: 12-3036-0671539-00
Please use the following when making your payment:
Particulars: Member ID (MEMxxxx)
Code: Last Name
Reference: SUBS 24-25
Annual Membership Rates
Term: 1st Oct. – 30 Sept. 2024-2025 Youth Club (0-17): Gratis Student Member (18-24): $10 per member Full Member (25-64): $65 per member Senior Member (65-89): $55 per member Senior+ Member (90+): Gratis Family/Couple membership discount: less $30 per couple (25+)
Prices are in NZ$ and include GST.
Members receive an emailed copy of the club magazine each month.
Membership and categories
The following quote is taken directly from the Danish Society’s constitution:
New Members
New Members of any category (except Life Members) shall be admitted after written application, upon election by a simple majority of members present at a committee meeting.
Ordinary Members
All persons who are or have been Nationals of Denmark, or who are descendants of Danish Nationals, or who are married to any such person, are eligible for membership as Ordinary Members. Partners in a de facto relationship with an Ordinary Member of the Society can become a full voting member (Ordinary Member) with the proviso that if said partnership fails and the pair move apart, then the non-Danish partner would revert to a non-voting status (Associate Member).
Associate Members
Persons who have a genuine interest in Denmark, its people and customs, may become associate members by application to the committee.
An Associate Member shall be entitled to all the privileges of Ordinary Members of the Society with the exception that no Associate Member may vote at any meeting of the Society and is not qualified to hold any office as member of any committee or otherwise, or to participate in the appointment of any candidate for office.
Life Members
A new member for Life can be considered on recommendation by the Committee and endorsement by a General Meeting. Upon appointment, a Life Member shall cease to be liable for any further subscriptions and shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of Ordinary Members.
Honorary Members
Persons of any nationality may be nominated and elected Honorary Members of the Society to honour special services rendered for the benefit of the Society.
Affiliated Societies
The Society may accept affiliation from any other similar Society or Club.
The members of any such Society or Club so Affiliated to the Society, such affiliation fees as the Committee (or the Society in General Meeting) shall from time to time determine.