Danish Society Historical Documents

The Danish Society recent history in New Zealand started at the beginning of WWII as a patriotic support to the Danish nation's desire to be free of Nazis and return to independent rule. The "Danish Association" was formed in Wellington in 1942. Soon the committee was transferred to Auckland. In 1946 the "New Zealand Danish Society" was formed with centres in Auckland, Dannevirke, Palmerston North and Wellington.

In 1958 "The Danish Society" was incorporated in Auckland, independent from the national organisation.

You may also find it useful to refer to the Newsletters on the linked page.

Paper documents from our archives are being scanned, photoshopped and digitised as PDF documents. The digitisation process is ongoing.

1943-Mar-01 - Da First Annual Report
1944-Mar-17 - Agm Advert
1946-Jan-01 - Da Report
1946-Mar-01 - Sewing Circle
1946-Apr-01 - Nzds Rules
1946-Apr-06 - Donationa
1947-Apr-22 - Nzds First Annual Report
1950- - - Free Danes Memorabilia 1
1954-Oct-20 - Ball Ballet Poster
1954-Oct-20 - Ball Ticket
1954-Dec-18 - Julefest
1955-Jan-23 - Skovtur
1955-Feb-12 - Pakkefest
1955-Mar-01 - Agm
1957-Jun-07 - Sammenskudsgilde Ticket
1957-Sep-20 - Festaften Ticket
1957-Dec-13 - Julefest Invite
1957- - - Folkdancers Bulletin
1958-Mar-28 - Agm
1958-Mar-28 - Rules
1958-Jul-26 - Danseaften
1958-Sep-13 - Festaften
1958-Dec-20 - Jule Fest
1959-Feb-12 - Leigh History
1959-Mar-31 - Agm
1959-May-23 - Stor Fest
1959-Jun-05 - Letter
1959-Jun-23 - Danish Folkdancing
1959-Sep-26 - Fest
1959-Sep-26 - Fest Invitation
1961-Feb-28 - Accounts
1961-Jun-21 - Section Purchase
1962-Mar-01 - Agm Accounts
1963-Mar-01 - Accounts
1964-Feb-29 - Accounts
1964-Mar-25 - Agm Report
1964-Apr-06 - Committee Meeting
1964-May-02 - Revy Program
1964-May-11 - Committee Meeting
1964-May-28 - Properties Egm
1964-Jun-05 - Egm Report
1964-Jul-11 - Properties
1964-Dec-07 - Committee Meeting
1965-Jan-01 - Parnell Materials
1965-Mar-24 - Agm Presidents Report
1965-Mar-29 - Floor Quote
1966-Jul-13 - Ddf Folkdance
1977-Aug-23 - Egm Leigh Purchase
1990-Sep- - Dk Emigration
1991-Feb-19 - History
1994-Mar- - Futures
2000-Feb-20 - House
2006-Dec- - Valhalla